
11 gardening tips and hacks to keep your garden healthy

garden ideas

Keeping your garden, a small or a big one, green and healthy year-round can be hard work for the best of us, Our gardening tips and tricks will make your dream of a healthy, thriving plot a reality!
Here are 9 tips to help you keep your garden green while also making it an easier and more enjoyable effort.

1. Start with healthy plants.

ideally grown from seed by you or a trusted local grower. When buying plants, look around the local greenhouse to decide the quality of plants. Check for signs of insect infestation and disease, such as spotted or irregularly colored leaves. Improperly grown plants can spread plant and soil diseases.

2. soil.

Plants need healthy soil in the best spots. Use a shovel to turn your soil a couple of times a month, to keep it lose and light. Harder soils are probable to become hard and crumbly so it’s important to give them a little more TLC.

3. For clay soils…

3. For clay soils.

consider topping up with organic compost to keep the soil loose and at its peak for a longer period. purchase local quality compost to top up your soil by afoot, perhaps topping up one half then another.

4. water good.

This is the best-kept garden secrets. for new plants, water them with a diluted seaweed solution to ensure good contact with soil and to encourage roots to grow. Available at garden centers, liquid seaweed fertilizer is organic and environmentally-friendly. Depending on where you live, you may even be able to make your own! Always check first to see if it’s legal to collect natural plant matter in your area.

5. Like a chef values a great knife collection.

for gardeners, there is no substitute for the best garden tools. good rakes, spades, mowers, and wheelbarrows are crucial to keeping your garden healthy.

6. Plants can’t survive without moisture.

The majority of plants are made up of over 90percent water so it’s fundamental to keep them hydrated. Water plants early morning when its cooler so less water is lost through evaporation.

7. play hardball

One of our best vegetable garden hacks involves what you do before you plant. leaving plants outside, sheltered from sun and wind, for about a week before planting. Plant early mornings or on cloudy days, and give plants adequate space. Taking these steps guarantees that your plants will adjust easily to their new home

8. For those with less time for daily watering.

think about plants similar to Chrysanthemum, Gardenia or Jasmine that can retain moisture longer and require way less watering.

9. till carefully

Tilling before planting may be essential in some cases, especially if the clay soil is hard. don’t till excessively because you may destroy soil structure and kill microorganisms. Dig or till when first preparing beds, then just add compost on top and let the critters do their job

10. When planting any shrub, fruit, vegetable or bulb.

make sure there is enough space for growth. every plant needs moisture, sunlight, and nutrients from the soil, so are sure to reduce competition and make sure every plant has its adequate room for free-flowing air circulation and essentials.

11. Growing or want to grow vegetables in your garden?

soil and space are a necessity but most vegetables need to bask in direct sunlight. It’s also important to keep them clipped and watered.

source : https://www.bhg.com/gardening/yard/garden-care/secrets-to-a-healthier-garden/?slide=slide_8695a3ee-ed53-4a4a-b078-fd5f610edc22#slide_8695a3ee-ed53-4a4a-b078-fd5f610edc22

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