
nuts! And seeds

Rich in protein, healthy monounsaturated fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals,
nuts, and seeds are wonderful additions to a vegan diet. Just because they’re
high in fat doesn’t mean they’ll make you fat! Eaten in moderation, nuts and
seeds help you feel full faster, which can help you to eat less overall.
To make them even more nutritious and easy to digest, you can soak nuts and
seeds overnight in cool water. This starts the germination process and activates
certain enzymes that pre-digest some of the proteins and fats, increasing
certain nutrients, and make it easier for the body to break down the fats and
protein. Store your raw nuts in the refrigerator or freezer to preserve their
natural oils.
Either raw or soaked, nuts and seeds are easy to carry with you, so grab a
container or baggie and fill up on some of these little, nutrition-rich nuggets:
✓ Almonds: A good source of protein, vitamin E, manganese, magnesium,
copper, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), and phosphorus, almonds help lower
bad cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease and provide protection
against cardiovascular disease. Eating raw almonds with the skin still on
provides the most heart-healthy benefits.

✓ Peanuts: Officially a legume, heart-healthy peanuts are a good source of
monounsaturated fat, antioxidants, phytosterols, phytic acid, and folic acid. Peanuts also are a good source of vitamin
B3 (niacin), folate, copper, manganese, and protein, and they’re a
significant source of resveratrol, which is being studied for its anti-aging
effects. Peanuts and peanut butter also may help prevent gallstones
and protect against Alzheimer’s disease. Always store your raw peanuts
and peanut butter in the freezer or refrigerator, respectively, to prevent
✓ Pepitas/pumpkin seeds: Pumpkin seeds are a good source of the essential
fatty acids, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium,
manganese, zinc, protein, and vitamin K. These little green seeds may
promote prostate and bone health and offer anti-inflammatory benefits.
✓ Sesame seeds: Sesame seeds and tahini, or sesame butter, are rich in
beneficial minerals. Tahini is a good source of manganese, copper, and
calcium. Good for lowering cholesterol, sesame seeds also are recommended
for rheumatoid arthritis.
To really gain access to sesame seeds’ benefits, it’s best to grind or
smash them before eating. Tahini already is ground into a paste, and
therefore, it’s an easy way to eat sesame’s goodness.
✓ Sunflower seeds: Offering anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular benefits,
sunflower seeds lower cholesterol and help to prevent cancer. A
good source of vitamin E, sunflower seeds also provide linoleic acid (an
essential fatty acid), fiber, protein, and minerals such as magnesium and
✓ Walnuts: Walnuts are an excellent source of omega-3 essential fatty
acids, manganese, and copper. Good for cardiovascular health and lowering
cholesterol, walnuts also help brain function.

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