3. Use cooking water to fertilize plants

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When you boil or steam some vegetables on the stove top,
don’t pour the water down the drain. Once the water has cooled,
pour this vegetable water in your plants to fertilize them instead of wasting it.

You can also do the same with your boiled egg water.
and especially if you live in a really warm climate.

Simply roll up some paper towels as tight as possible without them breaking, dunk the ends in a glass of water, and lay the remaining across the soil so that each plant is at least a few inches away.

To do this, encircle roughly crushed layer of eggshells around the plants that are sensitive to such pests.
The peel will decompose and nourish the young plant as it grows.

and now you’ve learnt garden maintenance, and the best healthy garden tips,
so you’ve no excuse to make the gardener landscaping you want or even your own botanique garden