garden maintenance

6 Garden Maintenance Tricks you need to know

4. Garden Maintenance. how to easily Keep Your Garden Healthy

Here are some Garden Maintenance tips for you to keep your garden green, healthy, and growing to its fullest potential:

Feed your soil and the soil feeds the plants. Healthy soil encourages healthy plants that are more capable of resisting insect and disease issues. Feed your soil with lots of compost and well-aged manure.

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weeds control. Weeds can be a big problem in and of themselves, however, they also harbor insects and disease. If you weed frequently, especially at the start of the growing season, it should be easy for you to keep weeds at bay.

Take out the lifeless. Get rid of your rotting or dead vegetation such as leaves, pulled weeds, and plant stalks. Dying vegetable matter is a haven for pests.

Clean your tools. Keep diseases out of your garden by regularly disinfecting your tools. This is again essential if your tools come in contact with infected plant parts. for more information on disease control Visit the University of Georgia College of Agricultural.

Stay chill When heat strikes, simply provide shade to your plants to keep them from wilting. Cheesecloth makes great shade cover.

Provide help. There are numerous benefits to using plant supports such as trellises, stakes, A-frames, and tepees:

  1. It expands the range in your garden
  2. helps plants with more exposure to light.
    3. Distributes air.
    4. It makes it more comfortable to prune and harvest.

Pick, pick, and pick.

Harvest your veggies as soon as they are ripe and remove harvested plants. If they are infected by diseases, add them to the compost pile, or, if appropriate, re-work into the soil.

stay clean.

Remove the diseased sections of your plants to defend your healthy ones. Locate how much of the plant you need to remove. Sometimes just taking off infected leaves is enough. Depending on the disease, you may need to remove the whole plant.

sometimes it’s not too early to start. After harvesting your plants and separated the debris from the garden, leave the soil exposed for several days and then cultivate it in order to get ready for next season’s garden.